Welcome to the Guidance Department. Below are our list of the counselors by Small Learning Communities,
just click on the name to "email" your councelor, or Social Worker.
We encourage that any parent who has a concern about their child's
academic, social emotional development request counseling services via "Email."
Ms. R. Wilson, Counselor-- Academy of Health & Science-- 5121
Mrs. L. Armstead, Counselor-- Academy of Engineering & Technology-- 5122
Mrs. S. Johnson, Guidance -- Academy of Humanities & Teaching-- 5112
Mr. A. Thomas, Guidance -- Special Services--5114
Mrs. Z. Spence, Social Worker -- 5322
Mr. J. Masi, Social Worker--5113
Ms. Thorne, Social Worker -- 5245
Academic...Career...College...Personal & Social Counseling
Secretary - Mrs. M. Hazuri (908) 731-4303 Attendance - Mrs. S.
Smith-Gomez (908) 731-4302
Data Technician - Ms. J. Brown (908) 731-5118
Guidance Fax (908) 731- 4359
American School Councelor Association
Life is a Journey