Consortium 2001
Conflict Resolution/Peer Mediation
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Consortium 2001 - Middle School

The NJ State Bar Foundation graciously provided grant funding with Montclair State University. Young Middle School Peer Mediators benefit, by taking part in "changing the culture" of their school. Truly a Win/Win!


Maxson Middle School

Consortium 2001 Peer Mediators


Paula Eisen--Dr. Barbara Nagle--John Ogden, Esq., NJ Bar Foundation, Trustee--Margaree Coleman-Carter, Montclair State University, Associate Dean of Students

Maxson Quilt  Consortium 2001

The Maxson students who participated...Great Job!


Students putting together a quilt to signify their efforts at the various worshops at Consortium 2001 which Included:

Character Building/Listening
Anger Management
Sexual Harrassment
Student Safety

Middle Schools represented from:

East Orange, NJ
Fairlawn, NJ
North Arlington, NJ
Old Bridge, NJ
Plainfield, NJ
Union City, NJ

A day filled with collaboration, Team work, Creativity, and Diversity...A Win/Win!

Maxson Middle School would like to extend a special Thank you to Paula Eisen, Dr. Barbar Nagle, Montclair State University, and Eilisa-Anne Smith, Esq., The NJ Bar Foundation for your continued support and assistance.