First step: Gain the cooperation of the disputants. Agreement by both disputants to solve the
conflict. Cooling off Period. Second Step: Introduces the following rules for Win/Win. 1. Treat
each other with respect; no blaming or put-downs. 2. Attack the problem, not the person. 3. Wait for your turn
to speak; no interrupting. 4. Work together toward a fair solution. 5. Tell the truth. Third Step:
Mediating with the Win/Win Guidelines. 1. Cool off. 2. Each person states their feelings and the problem
using an "I message." 3. Each person states the problems as the other person sees it.
4. Each person says how they are responsible for the problem. 5. Brainstorm solutions together and choose
a solution that satisfies both. 6. Affirm, forgive or thank each other.
NJ State Bar Foundation Conflict Resolution and Peer Mediation Guide Middle School Special thanks
to Leisa-Anne Smith, Esq. and Paula Eisen
Step 1: Fixing a problem...allows us to continue on our journey.

Step 2: Put the jack under the car.
Step 3: Use the wrench to jack the car until the wheel is about three inches off the ground.
Step 4: Remove the nuts,
mount the spare, and thread the nuts back on by hand.
Step 5: Lower the car, remove the jack, and then use the wrench
to fully tighten the wheel nuts.